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This week we open the new website

Programació web avançada

This week we open the new website

Friends! This week we open the new website of designed and programmed by Webmastervic


Satélite K is a record company born in Barcelona, specialized in the production, promotion and development of eclectic artistic proposals and high musical value.

???? The new website has been developed using HTML5 and in an adaptive way, this allows it to be consulted from any device, be it a smartphone, a tablet or a PC, showing its contents adapted to the device of an optimal shape.

#designweb #creacioweb #dissenywebpersonalizat #paginesweb #webmastervic #satelitek
More Info:
Webmastervic Web Design
✅ Avinguda Bernat Calvo nº 16
Vic 08500
Tel. 93 889 41 20
We hope you like it!