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Progressive Web Apps (PWA): the new generation of websites

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Progressive Web Apps (PWA): the new generation of websites

PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) are a new generation of applications that blur the boundaries between web apps and traditional mobile apps by combining the benefits of both: they retain all the features of mobile apps, but only need a web browser to be used .

The goal? Offer the user a better experience on their mobile device.

What are the benefits of Progressive Web Apps?

1. Accessible

As its name suggests, Progressive Web Apps are websites, ie they are hosted on a web server and are therefore accessible from any browser, device or region, thus facilitating instant access by the user. .

2. Adaptable and responsive

PWAs are designed to adapt to any device and thus offer maximum functionality to the user of the application. If the user accesses from a desktop device, they will see it as a web and if they do so from a mobile device, the PWA will look like an app. Thanks to service workers, PWAs can continue to run in the background, without having to stay in the browser.

3. Offline operation

This is one of the great advantages of PWAs. Thanks to service workers, a PWA is able to work with limited or no connectivity. This feature makes a substantial difference to conventional websites, as once the PWA service workers have been installed, it will have a similar operation to an app installed on the device.

4. Installable

Although PWAs do not require installation from an application store, when you open it from the mobile browser the user will be able to add an icon to the home page to always have it on hand .

5. The creator of this technology is Google.

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