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Friends! This week we open the new website of

Disseny web personalitzat

Friends! This week we open the new website of

Friends! This week we open the new website of programmed and designed by webmastervic.


We are a team of professionals with continuous training, our personalized, professional and family treatment creates an unbeatable atmosphere. Our services have the most advanced technology and thus meet the needs of our patients.

The new Podotona website has been developed using HTML5 and in an adaptive way, this allows it to be consulted from any device, whether a smartphone, tablet or PC, showing its contents adapted to the device in an optimal way. .

#dissenyweb #creacioweb #dissenywebpersonalizat #paginesweb #webmastervic #podotona

More Info:
Webmastervic Web Design
Avinguda Bernat Calvo nº 16
Vic 08500
Tel. 93 889 41 20
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